- 改版而棄置的元件
- location 第三方套件所需要的改動
- 用到 google API Key 的地方有四個地方,分布在三個檔案
250 Adding the ‘location’ API & Starting with the ‘Geo Location Input Widget’
- widgets / location_input.dart (StatefulWidget)
- screens/add_place.dart.dart (ConsumerStatefulWidget)
251 Getting the user’s current location
利用google location api 獲取經緯度資料
- widgets/location_input.dart
252 Using the Google Maps API -Setup
253 Using Google’s Geocoding API
- 反向geocoding 查找 (從經緯度查找住址)
- widgets/location_input.dar
254 Storing the location Data in the Model
255 Displaying a Location Preview Map Snapshot via Google